Do you know how some people that use Gee MC they cant get gears of war guns.How do they do that?
Are you a chick. add my gt DangerousCheezy
add me dangerouscheezy on xbl
Are you a chick?Cuz I see your mini statistics and Your pic is a girls.Then I see you other pic and your a dude?
Do you play halo 3?
How do I get the maps I made on foundry designer onto my 360?
Hey my gt is DangerousCheezy
What do you mean dont play halo on September 25?
Sweet map dude.And does the writing appear in actual game play?And how do you do the writing?
Sweet looking map dude I cant wait to play on this map...But there has been maps on here that look good but are crap.I saw this cool map called...
What does 100G Defeated Spartan 117?
Sounds cool to play on.Buts heres one question.How do I get maps from this site to me 360...I made a map B4 I registered Do I have to make it again?