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Yes the map is pretty large. It starts in the middle of the sea close to the island. You then proceed to through the cave and fight in the entire...
UNSC Gibb on Source Of The Heat By: LikeAlikeMike, gibber007, and xPuRpL3CoBrA3x [IMG] After a long leave of absence, my forging team and I...
Anybody up for a Wishbone re imagination on Reach?
itll be done eventually
pshh mine name is in the description, it's fine
Grats brah
DANGIT! I lost all the frekaing pics because I forgot to save the games...
ROFL Nice....also I'm driving now *****
what is a scope?
we'll see
Nah I've been practicing
Dude Imaa going to be driving in exactly 1 week :D
Tu es gordes
Aww how cute, anyway if it does happen, it won't be in any rush what so ever because it sounds like we'll both be busy. It will just be a whenever...
hey bud, wanna collab again?
spy check
Yo tengo Halo 3 odst
yeah video games and school don't mix for me though
Didn't get it, don't plan on it