I was frightened when I saw your map below mine! Your thumbnail picture is very similar...so I thought my friend and I wasted our five or so...
Night Attack (BETA) (originally titled Night Assault (BETA) until Bungie -Blam-ed that title) is an invasion map ranging from near the pillar...
Just take a direct URL to a picture and put it in the thumbnail form when you are posting. You can also do it during edits by choosing advanced,...
Looks good; makes me want to fire up good ol' 2142!
Space Race was a map I thought of just prior to Halo: Reach's launch. I thought to myself, wouldn't it be neat if I could be launched really...
the link is right near the top, it's one of the one's that has the whole something:something:something:etc styles to it
There is no place where the last man can just bottleneck the zombies, because the zombies can enter the fort from any angle... Though I suppose...
Amazing how fast you two replied...thanks. There is more interlocking yes, especially around back, and I tried to make this one less, umm, ugly.
Thanks everyone so far
Here is the follow up to Ragnarok (Bungie.net : Community : Forum Topic Listing : Forum Reply Listing) Ragnarok II is quite similar in design to...
Ragnarok is the Nordic myth for the end and rebirth of the world, a giant battle in which most of their gods die. Now, the final battle is...