Binded Download Link: : Halo Reach : File Details Forgehub Link:...
This is my newest map that I have made. I created it for the Throwdown 2v2 Tournament. It's the best map that has ever been posted on Forgehub...
Guaranteed featured! I'm calling that right now! Flawless remake dude!
HAHAH!!! YES... the childhood memorize are commin' back! this is cool! super original! good job.
HAHAH! I'm a very tough critic when it comes to looking a maps, but This is just awesome. So original and funny to watch. Maybe some more...
I have NEVER seen Starwars movie in my entire life... Ever... Or Lord of the Rings... None of them... Ever!!! BTW. Cool map I like how it looks...
If raised everything then nobody would be able to do the trash bit to the side ramps jump. I originally had the bases up higher but i had to lower...
Yes! The spawns are exactly the same as they were in Halo 3. It plays the same as Halo 3 too. It's a little faster gameplay but it makes you think...
..::MLG ONSLAUGHT::.. Hello Forge Hub community! This is my first Halo: Reach map that I have made and the second map I have made ever, so...
First off i HAVE to be like everyone else on this site... OMG I'M THE FIRST POSTER OMG!!!! IM SO COOL!! Secondly... This is a cool idea. I like...
Also, my friends DID jack this account for about a week and they wouldn't give me the password and they did do some of my major infractions that...
First of all i would like to say calm down about the Emo Blood account..... I had no idea that i couldn't create a new account.... i'm sorry!...
Shoot! Would i be able to make a new fresh account? The reason why i have so many infractions is because 2 of my friends got my password, changed...
Ok... I'm so sorry for bothering you but i don't seem to have an "edit signature" option! i'm confused. maybe it's hidden for me or something but...
Nope! I'm don't need to make a signature, i just need to know where to add one! in the edit options somewhere but i don't know where it is!
How do i get a signature? I want to advertise my maps but i cat find where to do so!
This is amazing lol! i have always wanted to do this in real life with wire and just set it somewhere and see how long it takes ppl to notice what...
I'm not sure if this really counts as a switch! Isn't there supposed to be some sort of chain reaction or something? but cool idea!
The middle is way too open! there is no cover for anyone to get behind! had some cover in the middle and this will be good! 3/5