YouTube - Halo Reach - Jumping fun in Arena‏ This was when there was still a 2v2 arena playlist. Me and a friend encounter two individuals...
I just had some time to upload a few rendered jumps on youtube with my superslow internet. If you have any questions on how to do a jump, feel...
YouTube - Tactical jump Boardwalk A useful spring jump on Boardwalk - Courtyard to Rest Stop 2nd Floor
Absolutely amazing map, almost feels as if this was a campaign setpiece. Or a movie. Or... well, its epic. If it got any more epic, it would be...
YouTube - Halo: Reach AMAZING Hidingspot on Boardwalk A hiding spot I found below Boardwalk. Enjoy!
This video contains content from UMG. It is not available in your country :,(
ohi there... Carla? Im baaack and you should remember me now. I know 10 months is a long time....
Anything needs posing, doesnt it? Just like this picture, definitely lacks a spartan with a sniper, right? /sarcasm It doesnt. Imagine it with a...
Ol this is my first comment here since... Aaaaages. Anyways, i really like this screenshot, 10/10 for creativity. If you know how to take it, does...
no Im still in America
I think I know what you are talking about, but that only covers merging that doesnt go very deep if it is what I think it is (the tear-drop merging?)
Change was taken on the covenant. behind the tower in the very end. Got the effect by moving the camera into a certain spot of texture.
lol was that the reason why you removed me? I said "off to sweden for two weeks, later going to America after back"... Well, last departure...
by the way... you missed ME! on that FH friends thing thread.
DeathToll, know him like since I joined. And Xanon. Moreover, there is Cryptokid, Sotha Sil, Arbacce, davetherave, bahh, the cheat, vorpal saint,...
alright sorry I did not add you, but I am actually leaving Germany today for ten months... sooo... bye :P and see you when I come back.
hi Phreakie, just wanted to say bye because I am leaving to America for ten months today... so see you :P
u can haz bye :'(. well, hopefully Ill be able to come on here still sometimes... See you :D
hi kyle, just telling you that I am leaving my house in seven hours, then flying to New York... sooooo good bye and see you in ten months :P.
No, no modz, and he changed his name from kaipassler to something with Q in the beginning. and by the way, yes you are right about the dummying....