This is actually really good. It's one of those ideas where there are always gonna be loads of laughs, and as you mentioned, teamwork is critical....
Yes I agree with you totally. btw I'm sorry if I'm about to repeat a point made by someone else, I only read this guys arguement with a mod. If...
I don know if this has been mentioned yet,but you can look up and place receivers out of the map in rats nest, just left and right of the middle...
Getting under avalanche is quite cool, but impossible to tell if you are about to die. Just put as many walls as you can on top of each other like...
Hey guys, as you all know the title update 2 has come out and we now know a lot about the mythic map pack. When it comes out you will be given the...
no modded stuff n00b, theres only one modded map that is actually better than a forged map, spartan ships. Your friends probably gonna get banned
ok interlocking in places, does this support ctf (thats is THE custom game in small parties nowadays)?
i dont know if you have payed it or not, but bull dome is a lot like thias and works better as the chopper will skid around the entire circular...
no u jew, itzs lame 2 fantasise bout sm1 on a ****ing forum website, fyi im in college and hav had more gfs than the amount of pubes u hav
its an amazing map so all u shut up, all u hav 2 do is mke sure u explain wot 2 do
i swear 2 god u didnt make this map, its one of the most played infection types ever. the map is kinda boring nowadays, does anyone know any...
this is not upto standards, put photos quick there are loads of guides, check the mandatory, read first, they have guides in them. use photobucket...
i remember playing this with you when you were kinda testin it with a big laggy party, it worked quite well, as there arent many camping spots,...
You may get banned for stealing this map no offence. You may have spent time perfecting the original map garbage man or whatever it was called,...
so your the person who made this map, superb
I definetly prefer this to infected snipe and all those 30 second maps
i really like that the prisons are up high, this can produce hilarious moments when they jump "to their death", but its not that deep, make it...
the mythic map pack friction, theres loads of threads on it, but the only thing officially confirmed is a "purple map" wth?
THIS IS THE REAL GOW BERSERKER MAPS, finally, the ones me and mi group of driends play is just 2 rooms and weapons, the obstacles being barriers...
its a great map, but usually u can only play it with people who no ow to do peasunt hunt, most people will just randomly run towards the zombie