It appears that there is some controversy in this thread regarding what my definition of some of these tactics are. When I say its a noob tactic...
This is a screenshot that I took with my clan. I thought the effect looked cool, so I made a screenshot out of it. [IMG]
In the intense world of halo, its sometimes hard to tell which tactics take skill and which are cheap and unfair. Some of the more debatable...
Hi, im a new member who has a couple questions for anyone who is willing to answer. First off, im wondering if you have to be good at making...
While I agree it is a cheap tactic to use, I have to wondering why you guys are arguing about this in halo, when you can get under maps in call of...
Its hard to compare the two because each system was designed to appeal to different people. The Xbox 360 is a good all around console that is...
Hey , its phantom
Welcome. Thank you for checking out my page.
BR of course. The Battle rifle is just more reliable. It can get kills in a number of situations while the AR really is only good for close up,...
If its a mod , then its a really good one. I think the first pictures might be some test shots, but the part with the scarab was probaly modded.:omg:
i often get stuck on the receiving end of some terrible crap because of my high voice, it can be really frustrating for someone whos not prepared...