Looks good, I've seen tons of Shipment remakes and this isn't the best one, but its pretty good. I would have used weapon holders and telporter...
Never seen this kind of idea before, and thats the main reason I'm downloading it. It looks fun. Just, do the Humans have instant kill or the...
Okay, I'm working on my first map. It's kind of like one of those infection journey ones. I have some spawn points for the humans under some...
looks like a cool map, but not something id play online, too many heavy weapons. It looks really good to just play around with on local or...
Sweet a new one! I just tried pitch black and I failed hugely lmao, maybe I can do better with this one, I like how there is a checkpoint...
Woah! This map looks sick. I played something like this in a custom game once, but the zombie had to wait until the ball got to the bottom, he...
Hm.. I love those jumping maps you mentioned in your post, I always suck at Blackout ones though lmao and you offered a reward for beating your...
Looks like a lot of fun, I love these hide and seek maps. It's a little sloppy but I don't really look for looks on an infection map. I'm going...
Woah, looks amazing. I'm definitely going to download. I think it'd be amazing for a CTF game, I can never get enough people in a party to get a...
I just played it, its really fun, most short tracks get boring after the first few tracks but this one was fun everytime. Im def gunna keep it. I...
oh man awesome track, but i had the same problem as the guy above me, but other than that it was crazy! i love all the banked turns, its one of my...
Just had a game of this on system link. It was amazing!!! It's really fun driving, reminds me a lot of a game I used to play in school called...
i dl'ed this map it rocks its the best helms deep map ive ever seen! i edited it a little on forge and made it so the bad guys had to push a...
omg lmao this map sounds awesome your description is halarious im downloading it but ill never find enuf ppl to actualy have a full game with lmao