As far as aesthetics go it looks great! looks like you put a lot of planning into it. I love the doors in the first pic on the left hand side....
looks good man, feel free to invite me when im online if your testing it GT: Teerav11
Oh those braces. Well I'm going to assume you mean the beginning part of the brace, not the long flat part. I'm not sure what i would cover that...
I cant figure out for the life of me what you made those black pillar/structure from? is it bank?! I love em and its driving me nuts trying to...
This is a neat concept, but it would be cool if you could add more pics and a description of what you changed. Because, like shikarix said, you...
Im extremely impressed how amazing this map looks man, would it be possible for you to post a tut on how to do: -The CAve looking window in pic 1...
Thanks man. Which braces do you mean? What part needs covering?
Hey i took a lot of your feedback on my map Horizon into consideration, and i made some changes. I'd appreciate some feedback if you feel like...
Invite me if you like GT: Teerav11
Looks pretty cool from what I can see in one pic. Im kinda curious what peices you used for the grey and blue squares at the bottom? Also, more...
HORIZON. A few weeks ago I posted a preview for my map Horizon. I took all the feedback I got into consideration, used up the whole budget, and...
I find that using other maps for inspiration is a good start for ideas, and then once you have an idea placing a grid helps more than you think. I...
Alrighty man no worries
I know how you feel, i have tons of those. But i find that if you turn your attention to another project, then later come back to it then you...
ah, I didnt know there was one down there, you may want to add a picture of it.
I think you did a much better job with aesthetics on this map so far than the others. Your use of rocks is nice, although I'm still not a fan of...
This map also seems to be lacking a bit in aesthetics and cover. I would suggest looking at other people's maps for inspiration, that helps me out...
The tin cups you've added for grass need to be blended in a little bit better, because it doesn't look very good when you can tell its 3 circles....
This map looks promising, but it seems like there should be more to break up the line of sight. I think it could use a lot more cover (not random...
Dont get too stressed about it man, just take your time, get inspiration from other maps, and it will turn out great. If you get stressed trying...