A new twist on a great classic, good job buddy!
Post another one of your maps like the frog one, i need the link so i can make the video
Just let me know and ill see what i can do, ive been itching to make one. Lets play some games
So from what ive seen, most noobs are posting theyre stuff on here, so our map should actually get some attention if we set it up right, i can...
Bungie.net : Bungie Weekly Update: 09/17/10 : 9/17/2010 4:20 PM PDT
I am excited, kinda pissed that they changed it tho :/
No xbox live :(
Just an old vid i had lying around that i hadent posted until now. Enjoy! :happy: Dailymotion - Halo's Radio Station's - a Funny video
Dailymotion - Halo's Radio Station's - a Funny video
First of all, there is no constructive critism in your post, also thats very steriotypical, third your link is dead(FAIL). The map looks neat and...
Looks good, plays good, except im not sure about it being mlg because its not symetrical even though that doesnt affect gameplay
I second that
HOORAY! YOU FINALLY GOT FEATURED! CONGRATS OLD FRIEND! If you make a new map let me know ahead of time and ill make a vid for it, im working on my...
that is beautiful. im starting filming monday! im gonna still need your help so if were on at the same time joinmy game so we can edit some stuff
i dont know, i jsut see grey thats it
Wow, i see no color!
You remeber the structure you find on HALO:CE where sgt johnson is, try and make it as much like that as you can. Go on live now if you can
I'm sure, and the fortress needs to just be a large forrunner structure with guardable poistions, just needs to look nice
It's ok for your first post, most people like to bring sometihng to your attention to attract downloads but you just made a broing old map, maybe...