Looks REALLY good. Great the way you showed gameplay pics. On the top level how you added an extra element by placing shield walls, but you can...
Looks awesome! The falling to death isn't the most original but i always like it when people use out of the map. The idea of having CTF on this is...
Sounds awesome, even better than the first !! And FYI, the first was GREAT! 4.5/5! But can u include some pics?
Looks like a good map, 3.5/5, just fix up the link, write 'Download here' then click the hyperlink button and put in the bungie.net download for it.
Looks like it would have taken you 15 hours, great work! the equipment jumbler is a sick as idea! never would have thought of it, 5/5!
looks great, i like maps that include a storyline, makes it worth looking at IMO. 4/5
nice map, 4/5, looks like fun to play with my mates, keep it up (Might want to just edit your old post next time though)
Please check the 'how to post a map thread', this thread is not up to Forge hub's standards
Thanks, btw you took my xbox 360 thing lol, doesnt matter, V2 is at 60%, not long now :)
Work on the pics, try Free Image Hosting at FreeImageHosting.net - Upload Images for MySpace, Blogs, and Galleries I find it the best.
Hey man, welcome to forgehub, enjoy the site.
Hey guys, thanks for the great comments, i've posted up the link to download so now you can get it, V2 is at 60%, all of your tips and things are...
Looks good, not many pics so i dont really understand 3.75/5
k thanks, all tips and stuff are going towards V2
Boarding is a main part, which is why i included high areas to surprise them from, though I placed fire bombs next to the ghosts to kill people on...
Hey Forgehub, this is my first map I've put on here, so judge it fairly please :), well better get to it then. Map Name: Destiny V2!! Info at...
Great invention, ill be sure to try it, you know, without others taking offense, the minigame section has the most creative content in it than the...
trully a great map, great job to makers, the map has so many different levels :), 6/5!!!
Nice! was hoping that someone would come out with this so i can continue my map, ingenius way of activating it, great job, 5/5
Interesting set out, great the way you opened it up so we can see the works :), overall amazing invention, keep it up! 5/5