I think they should make a map that is based off of like... the pillar of autumn or something along that line
I read that update this morning and thought that it's rediculous to get rid of big team... ITS SOOO FUN WHY WOULD THEY DO THAT!!?? but the...
AWSOME MAP!!! I play slayer on this map all the time. I love how real it looks
it's more cute than amazing I think...
what kind of song are you looking for? fast? slow? long intro? short intro? no intro?
I think that Russia being in georgia is kinda funny, I mean, there haven't really been any hostile invasions in a while and I find it funny that...
WTF is halo chronicles?
did I say something about ranks? or is that added to the list? I thought about it and I it would also be cool to have a create a character mode...
Gamertag: sonicfait Times you can get on: all the damn time... Mic yes/no?: yes Something describing yourself: I LOVE forge. I am pretty good with...
I think that halo "4" should have: 1. the ability to fly the pelican 2. a free reign map system (oblivion status) 3. a 4 chair on the warthog 4....
I personally beleive that, due to the medical benefits doctors have found through smoking marijuana, and the fact that over sixty percent of...
how do I save the pictures to my computer?
ya... My best friend in the whole world is letting me use his X box so that I can continue my journey of discovery in forge... and kick a55 at halo
I AM FANTASTIC!!! with the exception of tired and the fact that my Xbox just got one red flashing light and E 74. so now I can't play it for 4...
Dude... I love forge SSSSSSSSSOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO much. I only started using forge like four months ago, but I have read all of the 101's I could...