Well there is a easy way i use to prevent RRoD. When im done playing xbox after 6 to 8 hours I unplug everything the AV Cable, Ethernet Cord, and...
Okay ive put a link to stop peoples crying happy? Also thanks to the other people who rated on it than hating on it
Hey xnx21 you might wanna edit your message because that is spam. By the way okay little map, but can use some work, still nice try.
Just bored, so i took some pics! Rate Freely! [IMG][IMG][IMG] [IMG]<<And for this bright one I want people to guess how i got...
I can see the illusion from the pic. Its pretty simple just like in art class. Nice job perfecting it on halo. Also, can you put on youtube if you...
I like the first and second, but the third is overly too bright. I give it a 3.5/5
Heres a pretty sick video of Livewire the number 2 Ranked Freerunner. Link
Well Mirrors Edge does simulate some parkour moves, for example Faith the main character uses speed vaults.
Well I just had a really good Thanksgiving dinner, so I just feel like posting up some random pics. So here ya go. Plz rate. [IMG] [IMG] [IMG] [IMG]
Just out of curiosity, does this go with any gametype to specify with? Like racetracks or slayer, or something like that?
Looks really good, downloading now.
Awesome looking map, you got my download!
Yay! Pennyless was featured! =D
Same thing happened to me.. Xbox is probably down...
B.net Halo 3 Screenshot Viewer
Hey boydy, this was not done in Forge, just to say. It was done in custom game, due to my armor staying white and blue.
Aww, you told people about the Pelican =(. But try getting here without a tele =P [IMG]
2nd Map I got out of =) [IMG]
This map was awesome, me and a couple of friends finished Jump Course 1 and 2. But sadly we never finished 3 cuz it was so hard. =(
That was a dam good episode. But I needa ask people if they heard any hissing noises?