Quick property edits This glitch/tip is mainly if you need to change spawn times, colors, physics, and areas of any objects next to each other....
That is so funny. I can't believe he stuck a remote up his butt lol.
You really know how to piss me off. Oh well. Will this ban ever expire? Will you stop misusing your powers and just use them the right way? As far...
Otherwise I will be posting long messages on your visitor's page for everybody to see. And that you are missuseing your powers as a mod. You...
suck it up. Maybe if you unban/stop using profanity then I will.
You pissed me off and you didn't even change my name. Good for you. Now stop using your mog powers inappropriately
Nag nag nag nag nag
It's about time you got a feature. Your smear the pinky map should also get a feature but I don't know why it doesn't. Oh Yeah. You probably don't...
Hey ROFLninja and bipolar mushroom, It's me... Whiteskulleton... here to review your map. What I like: Surprisinly enough, the map was a pretty...
Welcome fellow forgehubers to my really cool map. I think you will find it highly thought-out and fawless. What makes it so good:...
3rd pic caption: You stole my cookie!? No no no no! HE stole your cookie! Umm... Do you like waffles?
Sorry I just have to post this one. It is very hard. http://haloscreenshots.net/gallery/25104AF65D2DC18C06BB7A1A259B2D2B/"][IMG][/URL]
Hello, Based on the screenshots that you have given I have decided to download this map and give it a shot (because I am one of the best snipers...
Ok, What is there not to love about this map. This is the first map I have seen that you can play BY YOURSELF. So many times have I wanted to play...
(a little offtopic/words of widom) I just saw that you had posted a lot about your own map and that it is bumping it a lot. In case you haven't...
"Crap! I'm daydreaming again." "Who put this rock here."
1. "Do YOU like waffles?" 2. "We need to talk about our relationship. Is this a good time?"
Start voting on your favorite captions and or give me some better ones.
1: gimmy back my candy. P.S. YOU stole my caption game JERK. That was my idea. Oh well. I added some tags for you. he he he....
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