bloum i forge when i am called so tell me if you need help K
Far Cry is bad!!!!!!I want my money back that game it just has the worst game play......
I misstated what i was trying to say,What i meant was we don't need to evolve drastically,Like growing a third leg...
but over time those small things become something big you dug your own grave in that one.....
Because we have no need to keep evolving because we are not in a disadvantage we have no predators,No temperature issues,and no lack of any thing...
In my eyes there is a god but it wasn't a snap and the world was made.Evolution after a simple creation,Well this is the most logical thing to me....
nice map for a first map some times a first post is a crate and a fusion coil saying it evolves game play...... (Off topic) what is with the...
My point of view is with no war then each country will find out that they can do what ever they wish to one another and they will just walk...
linu i got an idea...what is every 4 month each team made three map for four different categorize Objective,FFA,Team Slayer,Asthen(cutting it...
hey linu when everyone is done can i fix a box hard to notice but 1 is not even by an mm.... )(()_())( + + + + + +...
linubidix you had it for like 4 day it took me 2 or 3 hr....on a school day.....
blakou7 those were pic without a roof,meaning he took the roof out for better pictures if you read the post you would know that..... all and all...
looks alot like you copied some of one of the mlg maps....... you gotta give credit to the forger who made some of those structures ohhh and you...
wow an mlg map that doesn't fail, you sir deserve a cookie, just stay away from mine...
that was cool the man cannon throw a wall was very smart, Very original.
ok map,learn the basics of forge,k? and sorry your grammar 'call storage'? The grammar in a post is almost as in portent as the map it keeps the...
we can work on your's ,lol bloumbas...
lol that video got me triping
i got an idea it needs fence boxes double boxes and wall corners i show you later linublix i need to forge tomorrow or i can't work on it at all...