we are both aware that you can nade/ team jump out of the map in a few spots. And yes, we could make the map completely un- brakable by moving...
wheres my bar?
thanks guys, if you havn't played it yet, you should. Also salty has an FFA version in his file share, that has OS and rocks removed. However, I...
ive been infracted a few times, for posting to short of responses-- and no I wasn't warned. they fall off after a week or something.
whats up
3.0 Changes:: Reworked sides, center como added top center 2 aulers added on sides, center mauler removed there are some major changes done to...
then whos the **** that gave it a 1 star rating?
it has a regular OS, not a custom OS. As slaty stated, b/c Custom can be burnt. Rockets are also on a 2min timer, not 3.
its handicap friendly, you don't need to jump to get anywhere. i.e. ramps:)
he's probably like wtf, dumb kids running their mouths.
how can you not love this thread-- im waiting for you to pipe-in
brake down-- salty, did the center- I (kon) made the bases.
played a 2v2 match on this last night, It was really enjoyble. Great job on the map. i.e. the bungie base area is really well done. One thing--...
Name:: Phoenix Authors:: So Salty & Kon Artist Map Layout:: 2 bases Map Size:: 4-8 players Map Variations:: MLG settings Game types::...
john i can read your mind....
getting on
so are you the forgehub ambassador to atlas now;)
where are you going to skol, and what are you studying specifically?
The mod team with unreal; is me (kon) and fritzster.
well, we need to chat then:)