i think halo 3 prepare to drop means prepare for a better game?
OMG...SPARTAN 1'S Are mentioned...
Lol nice!!!
I agree...Mac's have always been apart of me and even though I am forced to use a pc most of the time a would jump at any chance to get a mac
I heard a few rumors Bungie was going to do something with in the next few days....this is probably the project that was cut from E3 2008. Hoping...
Try make the BG darker but apart from that its good
Hey...I wasn't getting pissed of at this guy...god... Oh...and I know Halo 4 will happen...it's gotta...Halo's a popular game...Microsoft is...
I'm not saying the legendary ending never happened...but how could you make maps based on a glimpse shot of a very dark planet. I still believe my...
Either your a newb who just started playing Halo, A guy trying to be a jerk or one of Bungies flaming ninjas gone on some secret advertising...
FABLE 2 FTW.... Honestly...I LOVE the first 1 but farcry 2 may just be better that fable. EndWar also looks like a good game to get
Job? You're all going to go "Yeah right" when I say this but I really want to get into A.I. development for videogames. My ultimate goal is to go...
Hmm...it might still be where it was in the ark...or it could have gone into orbit after defeating the covenant fleet.
Yeah...I remember Bungie saying that multiplayer shadows and reflections won't be as amazing as the campaign reflections as to cut down on lag etc...
Very smooth, I like the design and the fall to death part! Add more teleporters if possible
Another great thing to do which I got of the Bungie podcast (Best thing ever) is to drop a teleporter in a place where the player will die and get...
what is it?
Me....I spawn a warthog and run them over with it...If they're hiding in a hard to get spot...I go into moniter mode and then pick up the warthog...
LMAO... I feel so sorry for Matt...did his girlfriend and Matt really plan that...idk cause i skipped to the good part!
Good Idea!!!
There's already a hundred posts on this...anyways looks like a great map...spawn points look bad though