*I'm a flaming idiot!*
I am a mean, mean person, who likes to swear at newcomers. One day, I hope to mate with a grasshopper, then have kids that are all the size of...
good map but for some odd reason i dont like u, hmmm i dont know...CUZ UR EMO
this map sucks, i dont like it, swmap is upset with this, .02/20
lol soon u can get banned like i did
i think this is teh coolest too
this looks amazing, im dl now, swamp gives u a 9/10
i think its worth the dl, swamp gives u a 8/10
looks fun to play, i think its worth the dl, swamp gives u a nice 8/10 for the creativity and interlocking
just looks like u tried to make a map like martydom, swamp gives u a 2/10
doesnt really look like there is any good game types for this, swamp gives u a 4/10 for the creativity
looks like a clean map, i really like the middle section with the bridges, swamp gives u a 7/10
nice map, looks pretty fun, im dl now, swamp gives u a 9/10
looks o.k., to me it looks like a bunch of random stuff thrown in there, 2/5