hey, send me a friend request on x-box live when you have the chance? PLEASE I REALLY WANT TO PLAY YOUR MAPS :D
Please F/r Me!!! I REALLY WANT TO PLAY THIS MAP, BUT I LOST MY PASS FOR MY X-BOX LIVE INTERNET ACCOUNT! (dont ask how) please f/r me gt:...
how do u make a profile pic, and all the stuff you have. (colored profile etc.)
Hey floppy!
Wow! THIS MAP LOOKS AMAZING!!! send me a friend request please!!! gt: SuddenCrane
hey, I want to try this map out! gt: SuddenCrane F/R ME PLEASE!
Awsome Maps! hey, your maps look insane! dued you have to f/r me so then I can actualy play them some time! gt: SuddenCrane
Hey, Your Maps are amazing! send me a freind invite on halo3 gt: SuddenCrane