Can some one please delete this thread. thanks
Hmm whats with all these Bridge/Suspension style maps lately One person hits the spot and everyone joins the bandwagon. But on the upside note:...
Update: Earlier today i decided to start designing a couple of sig's after playing around and asking people for advice i have come up with my...
Wow like the aesthetic really nice, hope it plays well, if its ok with you permission id like to use this as a base map that i can chanege and...
Updated Image: [IMG] This is my latest image, after another thread which i have asked to be deleted as im keeping it all in this thread. So...
Hi i am really interested in learning, could anyone help? I have fireworks, and gimp.. i am really able on using them and take both graphics and...
Thanks, i didn't know this existed , sorry if iv been a noob posting when there is resource available.
Hi im new to creating signatures and love some of the designs, i take graphics at A level and am pretty good at Art and also take that at A level....
Take it you made this after you saw the other map with the bridge? nice work but still prefer the other map.
nice one problem with your diagram make sure you assign A to the yellow in both pictures and B to green in both and tweek ur tutorial , this will...
nyc idea but sorry to tell you this has already been done, some of the pictures look the same too, id remove this before people accuse you of...
Hey i think this looks really good and that it will be a good idea for some maps, would you be able to make some sort of tutorial so we know how...
I know you have a video , but can we have 3 or 4 pics please? the videos can be unclear and dont give a full overview allways. Thanks looks good...
Wow this map looks great , the aesthetics look really nice but the game play also looks really good. I like the grav lift jumps, and think you...
dose that mean that when i play it i am in the wrong place under the stairs? ,... please help me with the first part as i am stook , written...
I really like the look of the house looks really nice, i really think that you should try to peice together a infection map using this as a start,...
Hey , im trying to do your puzzle map but im stuck on first part, do i need more thn 1 person?
Wow i love the track/race at the end its awesome, i think you should make a race track to be honest i think you would provide some excellent...
OK well i shall be on, il add you as a friend on xbl, is your xbl gammer tag on the thread too?
Hi , yes i am in for the map testing, just tell me when as in the date and time if we are all going on at the same time. i live in the uk , just...