Try to move around a white light.
Have you tried making it game specific?
Common mistake, but you need brand new spawn points with the appropriate labels. Even though they're shown, if the label is not for the present...
Well if you go to my fileshare on xbox (GT: EquaIity 7 2521), I have a map called "Confined" which is perfect for 1v1. It hasn't been released yet...
He said use the delete all, not the delete button.
If you're getting that upset, just leave the game or don't go up there. Leaving one game has no real impact on anything, and just make sure you...
If you mean spawn, then despawn randomly, no it is impossible to do. Actually, it's impossible to make items despawn in the first place (ignoring...
Call it a reimagination of citadel and you're set.
Seriously? No comment..... On another note: pre-ordered legendary edition :)
Although your paying for Reach, that does not make the game yours. Sure, you are allowed to play the content on the disk for your payment, but in...
forgeable = being able to be placed in forge
Territories may work for this, if you can have a one sided territory atop the tower.
There are absolutely no elephants in Forge World. This has been said many times by bungie in various Q&A type threads/blogs/posts/ect.
Okay, thanks for the answer.
Hey guys, I was wondering if anyone here knew what the maximum angle a block could be placed at that would still allow a spartan to walk on...
And each Wall, Coliseum is only $10
Nice map! I look forward to it. As far as name goes, I recommend possibly Beta Creek to go along with the B theme for the first word.
I was worried about that, any ideas where to implement some?
This is a map I designed in sketchup. I'm currently trying to decide wether or not I should design the map in the air or in the water as noted by...
Just wondering, are there any plans to create representations of health stations or the AA placements?