1/5 sucks haha jk 5/5 good job
You all are right. but im tired of that saying. Oringal.? i mean Does Everything Consint Oringal? for map making i mean whatever
oh stfu
dude your like a ****ing 15 17 year old you dont even know me and your puting the basics down over a ****ing forged map. wow
wow.. my future ok.
**** Forgehub
Whatever that is the most pictures i could of taken if i took more people do some **** and say '' Too Many Picutes'' kind of **** so yeah and i...
Wow. ur blinded haha
if you look at the Stairway and the Church you might just see interlocking. lol ill will be making a v2.
About the last part what is up with you people about orignal; it doesn't have to be ''Original'' i dont know how to get the download...
W1ck3d Tr1ck 2nd Forgehub Map [Gravedigger] * This Is a Lazy Map* Top Chruch [IMG] Right Side Of Graveyard [IMG] Left Side Of...
Cant Rate it No Pixs
This person has been a bit silly and not only didn't read the original post, but also posted a reply that could be classed as spam. [spoiler]
If Anyone would like to share your ideas with me that would be great. Because i can't think of any maps im interested in.:frustrated:
Very Good. 5/5 You got my Download ;)
4.50/5 Really Good
Halo 3/ any color man dont matter
5/5 Excellent Job
can u make me a sig GT is W1ck3d Tr1ck