From what I've read, there seems to be some misconception on what evolution actually is (mainly from eguitarplaya33 as GodofForge has yet to post...
You say that capital punishment is wrong because it is immoral, yet you then negate your own argument by clearly implying that capital punishment...
Once again, the misunderstanding between scientific and nonscientific theory shows its ugly head. A scientific theory has evidence to support it,...
That same argument can be applied to literally anything. For example I could say that although gravity has always been acting upon us, that...
Its wholly inconvenient and, frankly, quite unnecessary to keep a criminal alive just for your satisfaction. Its your business if you want them to...
Being hypocritical is not exactly a bad thing. If someone purposely kills for personal gain or satisfaction, it is not just possible, but probable...
I must admit that I have to agree that I do generally find younger players quite obnoxious (especially when they view playing a Mature rated game...
The meaning of life is absolutely subjective. Is it only correct to live for true happiness or love, maybe it is right to live for some...
Hello, everyone, I've been following these forums and downloading its maps for quite awhile now, and I thought the time has finally come for me to...