Protect Ya Neck - Wu-Tang Clan
I like hip hop not the Soulja Boy or lil wayne bullshit. My favourite rappers in no order are. 1.Masta Ace 2.Nas 3.Eminem 4.Wu-Tang Clan...
i know why they didn't spawn i had to put weapons on map to default and enable weapon pickup enabled for some reason they were off
When i loaded it the brute shots didn't spawn? Btw after a couple of games this map is very addicting. i love those high tension moments where...
i hope they increase the size of custom content so i can save some more maps because everyone will most likely be forging something cool when...
[IMG]Say hello to my LIL FRIEND!!
Just had a game the gameplay is very fun and addicting, though the arena is kinda small for the ghosts just a few flaws 1.Near the Grav lift...
This game is very good to play but when i played it the sheep were a little fast for the cop because he had a shotgun so he would just steal the...
after a game of this the gameplay wasnt that great the map looks awsome though.It's just every round the tripods were too overpowering or the...
Can the ghosts shoot the humans? or are they invincible also the map has a nice layout i don't really see anything wrong with it :)
Played this on the last TGIF with you and shock. Team slayer was very fun, the thing i liked about this map was that you could actually hold some...
i used to like hip hop occasionally ill listen to it but ****ers like soulja boy and lil wayne are destroying it. a few of my favouraite artists...
The concept of this map is unique the way you used the double boxes. Not like those games where zombies have no shields and 1 hit kills them....
These are the kind of maps that make me love infection =)
The links not working is it in your fileshare?
i hated purple bunker all the zombies would do is hold foward on the controll the whole game not very fun :(
Cosmic Rick - For Making Kickass Maps With Great and unusual Aesthetics with even better gameplay Linubidix - my favorite non premium Forger...
I think the centerpiece is one of the best ive seen. i also like the way you left the space fot the vehicles, it will make for some interesting...