EPIC!!! I loved this game at school :P However, since we started college, we had no playground, but a common room for sitting eating and watching...
Agreed, that would be epic. this is the best one ive seen so far :) very well done :)
so... what? can you go through the stargate and come out at the connecting one and vice versa?? cause that is pretty cool :P if so, how did you do...
Can you do invasion on forge, I go to the objective objects menu and all there is is ctf markers and king of the hill markers??? Am i missing...
looks like a good map, obviously cant say for sure untill i play it, but it makes good first impressions. Could we get some pics of the drop pods...
thnx guys, with the first one, the render didn't work properly for some reason. but yeah thnx for the comments.
i try, yet cracks and keygen never works for me, technology just hates me, give me a bow and arrow n im all good
mercs 2 easy, i bought it on the weekend and omfgfafg it is brilliant, and for those of you who dont know my made up acronyms, that stands for oh...
not everyone can afford photoshop though, like me =( but i am saving for it though =) so its all gd
just go on you tube, type in gimp sig tutorial, and watch as many as you can, i found that the best way cause everybody does it different so then...
k, here are my very first attempts at creating a sig with gimp, i know there not all that great so dont flame me. just some constructive...
hehe, yea i couldnt resist =)
[IMG] man, he must have some upper body strength to do that.
ahhhhhhhhhhhh, i cannot figure it out, i know how to unblock the teleporter by using the football, and ive found the radar jammer, but after...
i would agree that most weapons from the ratchet and clank series. if not that the torque bow from gow.
looks awesome, mile high club was my fav level, it took me ages to do it on veteran, lol. it looks well made and i recognized every bit aswell,...
i like to stay as the monitor at the top of the map and when someone walks spawn a tank and drop it on them. lolz
yea i think the splazer is a great idea. also you've inspired me to download predator and you're map, the only reason i didnt dl predator is...
kl, good first post, nice and neat, good interlocking and youve roped me in by using the word puzzle, i love puzzle maps =) 4/5 and a dl, good work
awesome, just, awesome. this is definatly the best map ive seen in a while. its original and from what ive read, sounds like it plays great. 5/5...