finnaly. As soon as i played this i knew it was a feature. it is the best map on blackout. great job felipe. Premium =]
yeah i know i just saw it and felt like saying it. its actually a pretty unique map design.
im not saying you coppied but it looks a little like xX5w33ny7oddXx's map.
Extreme 96 Poison Ivy V2
i think you shoudl spary the back anjd start buttons black.
i thought one flag was pretty fun.i thought spawn killing was preettty bad. if you play wityh the right people it'll work fine though. This map...
no problem. that map is great it deserves it.
This is a very well made map. It has enough cover, it has some new ideas, and it plays great. Good job master
i dont know why but i like number 5. its simplee yet cool.
great thread. it helped me. it is usefull. althought you forgot about the custom powerup. =]
i guess your right. i would be so embarased to do that. the only other way would be to do that self check out thing they have in shop rite =]
cant minors already just go out and buy condoms? Thats what i thought at least ( i live in NJ so maybe its a NJ thing). if it isnt legal it...
it doesnt reallyy look like a pop out. maybe if you used white instead of black it would look more like a pop out. idk
well it tells you at least one son is younger and that they are all not the same excat age.
i thought cod:waw was a big dissapointment. i thought cod 4 was better.
well idk what to say. i likee the cape wayy better in the first picture but in the second picture the light saber looks 1000000 times better. idk...
i think you should've made the walls higher. if anyone gets on the foundry railing its an easy way to get out. just a tip. other than that nice job.
i used to play on 10 but i stopped because i sucked at sniping with it. so i now play on 6-8
[IMG] What do you think?
looks really good so far. all i recommend is geomerge that fence wall in the first pictue i think it would look better