i think what abandoned heretic means is: is it dark enough not to see the zombies in the dark areas? (if that makes sense) if it is to bright in...
wow. the aesthetics on this map are absolutely amazing. ive never seen anything like it before. this is the kind of map that will stay on my hard...
i dont know if this is exactly what you guys are talking about, but... i have a friend of mine who is in 7th grade. it wasnt until this year that...
i think this looks like a great minigame map. even though the room is so small im gonna guess that the darkness makes it seem so much bigger. if...
this map is awesome! v1 was so much fun with KoTH. i just hoped you fixed the window panels it was really annoying how they were so hard. still...
wow i love this. relic was my favorite map before halo 3 and im sure this is gonna bring back memories. one of the best remakes ive seen. 5/5 and...
this map looks amazing to me. great interlocking etc. but the sheild doors just ruin it. the ones on the bottom are the worst, they seem almost...
the layout, i have to admit, looks amazing. all of these bases are great and look like they can be pretty easily defended which i like. however,...
well unlike everybody else here i do have a sense of humor and enjoy maps like this. the only thing is that its easy to escape. fix that and i...
best mall ive seen so far. reminds me so much of dead rising and i love that game. lol. 4.5 cause it looks a bit sloppy but ill download it and...
i dont really get the point of this. its a good meeting room i think, but what are you going to use it for exactly? more description would be nice
the idea has been done before but ive never seen anything this good. aesthetically it looks great and if there arent any glitches id give it a 5/5
congradulations null. it took guts to post this. i always thought hammers were to powerful in grifball to, so i love the idea. 4/5 but no...
wow that looks amazing. if you made it playable ctf would be awesome. or koth on the bridge. but anyway 5/5, and a download. and for all you...
Dreams: 1. a map from the level the storm with the attackers in a scarab and defenders at the base with the missile pods and such. 2. two ships in...
ctf + infection? amazing! high ground map that doesnt look like crap? astounding! lol. i would like to see a few more pics though for a download....
looks pretty good for a fort map. i love the wire spool idea, so original. the only problem for me is that the idea is not that original. i give...
i love the idea, but like people have said before i think it would be over to quickly. falling objects and maybe make the platforms that you drive...
no, i didnt even know about your map orbitalshot. are they that alike? because im sorry if they are, i thought of this map before i joined forgehub
looks pretty good, add a few more pictures and i might download. i love urban maps and there arent enough here forgehub so good job.