Without being able to go through it in forge, the only problem I see is that it looks really easy to get the powerups in the picture called "The...
No, on the Battlefield website it said (rough quote) the map pack will be coming out on October 30th on the Playstation Store and October 31st on...
NOTE: this is pertaining to PS3, 360 is fine. Anyone who has a PS3 and and BF: Bad Company, can you download the map pack? Even though EA and...
It looks like the humans will be able to drop into the cage from the platform and assassinate the zombies. You should fix that with a roof or...
It's suspect #3. He is the only one with plasma grenades and the ones in the picture that he ran over are still there. And he has 5 bullets less...
I came up with an idea for a new switch but I don't have the expertise or patience to make it. The switch is an instant opening and close door,...
This is the most complex map, gametype, and post I've ever seen, and I actually wanted to read the whole thing. Every time I play C&R I die a...
It looks really well made for just learning to interlock, but one question, where are all the spawn points?
Is this a slayer map? I can't figure out anything from the description and pics, but it looks really well made.
It looks good, but why are there only brute shots?
One question: In the picture of people "assaulting" you there's a guy with a rocket launcher, but there's no rocket launcher.
Wow, a non-dlc map, and even better, a racetrack. I haven't seen one of those in a really long time, good job.
2 hammers and overshields right beside the sniper is just too much, that's all i could think of.
I looked at the pictures and this is cool, good idea.
It's an abandoned ruin, it's supposed too be sloppy. *slaps forehead* interlocking ninjas
Wow, that was a fast V2. Looks really good for a first-ish map.
I think there are too many power weapons: shotgun, sniper, beam rifle, grav hammer, sword, and maulers. Other than that, it looks good.
the 180 is $15 per month so 15x12=180
Has anyone really thought about how big the crapload of money is that Blizzard gets from WoW? Let me show you: $180 X 10 million people (and...
One of my friends stopped playing and started a website that stole people's accounts. He's probably stolen hundreds of accounts and gotten every...