Thanks for the response, Like I said I am rebuilding, not Finalizing, I wanted to see what you all wanted and now I think I know what you want...
Hi I'm Unbakedmocha and this is my first map post on fh! Hope you enjoy it! Back story I was at my friend's (Quixxotik) house one day and we...
Haha thanks man, I will be posting 2 maps in the next few days, but there are some problems with my house so when the workmen are gone ill finish...
This really is an amazing map, which really puts our knowledge of foundary to the test. I still don't know how you did a few things like make the...
This is an amazing map! I can see how much work went into making the track so smooth and playable... yet beautifually hard! 5/5 Really puts your...
My personal perspective I personally think that this issue matters more on MATURITY rather than age and that could mean anywhere from around 10...
Hey guys (and girls), if you haven't already guessed I am new here, then guess again. And for those who did guess it right, good boy [feed] TREAT...