hey guys here at FH to start i,m 17 years old about to be 18 in feb. and i love the forge.right now my 360 haz teh red ring of death and it,s been...
aw how could i forget Call of Duty 4 withdrawl too. ahhhhhhhhh red rings suk :squirrel_jaffa:
yeah my 360 just got the red ring of death so i,m going to have Halo withdraw combined with assassins creed and Gears and what-not.
just wait and save you money up so that you will not only be able to buy Halo 3 and the 360 but buy other games as well. i work for gamestop and i...
my GT came from my fav-o-rite Anime Trigun. it was origionally guythestampede named after Vash the stampede the main character. I joined a clan...