HAve just downloaded your invasion map, D-Day... It looks amazing and completely outclasses what I have planned :3 Though, I feel the need to...
From experience, the angle of landing seems to have the desired effect; Shallow; Not much damage; more of a bounce Steep; Damage - possible...
This is great man! I'm a huge fan of jenga and my mates are gonna love this! 5/5 I'll download when i get a new 360 (RRoD Grrrr.)
Has it actualy been confirmed that Sandbox is to be a map? Read this post I just made on b.net to see what I mean... EDIT: actualy ignore...
Any news on when the render to video feature is to be released? I recently found the original bungie.net news that announced it but havent seen...
Ammazing Map- Aswel as playing well- it LOOKS outstanding- as said before- great job on the geo-merging and interlocking. 5*
NO replies??? What's going ON??? But i get to call 1st post lol This map looks amazing and is a credit to your forging ability.... As for...
People have said that this map doesn't look "professionally" forged and i respect that... In some places your map does look down right ugly but...
Total spam man, don't do it. I got warned for much less than this... But anywayz, really funny picture- Was that staged or did it hapen in live...
This has been done before but usualy they rest the cone on people's head instead - this guy's actualy wearing it. 2/5 for originality but 5/5 for...
You got a natural talent for this stuff... I couldn't do some of those even if I tried for weeks.... Full Marks For sure. I've just been...
This map is amazing for a map on ghost town and it's a great credit to your creativity and your forging ability. Well done on the post aswell, my...
Dude! loving the name.... Jebus- i thought that i was the only one!
Hey guys, these are just a few profile pictures of mine and my mate's character ideas for a machinima movie that we wish to make. Any help on...
would be good cept that dazzle doesn't work for some weird reason (my PC) thats the one i tried
I've been thinking about this for ages now and I figured that I should post on here before i risk my well earned tenner. I'm after making some...
Hey! yeah so this is my version of a mini-game that i'm sure has been created before but my map and gametype are unique. It's about two months...
omg... couldn't you guys just post links to guides not the whole guide.....sheesh but anywayz- great map- i tend to love aesthetic ship maps...
Looks like a cool mini-game map even though i aint a fan of them myself. I will download and play but i have no xbl access until next week so will...
this does look like a good map for what i'm guessing is a first try. But as said before, if you are not gonna interlock or geomerge atleast try...