Just cuz you listen to the radio for new music doesnt mean everyone does. just cuz i like screamo doesnt mean i can say everyone does. And what...
This is hilariously ridiculous. Most of the people that get music illegally dont think its wrong because you wont get caught and when someone...
The radio antenna's are supposed to be like bridges that you can knock down and they respond every 2 minutes so can be used more than once.
Author: Sage Map Name: Mine Sweeper Map Canvas: Construct Map Size: Large Player Count: 12-16 Supported Gametypes: Assault, Capture the Flag,...
minus the cheating and pyramid and you have a figure eight that half of is flat and bumpy and the the other parts are a straight incline/decline...
WHAT IS THIS i played this map and i got bored in about the second lap It seems as though the kid went and made a cool pyrimad and was like i...
its cool the staff are relaxed and arent about finding faults but things done right there main thing is that they actually listen to the community...
dont care FH sucks now a days thats why i havent been active cuz i go to xforgery
Insane54, you have created one of the most ingenious mpas for MLG to date. you have covered everything from new ideas like the hill to the basics...
you lot are semi retarded haruki thinks this is a debate about belief vs. science and you all keep saying hte same thing as eachother and then...
if your gunna post it again at least post it fully and correstly cuz we dont want to have to see another post. And you have to have the picks its...
It doesnt matter if you dont want to post screens you have to its not a suggestion its a requirement
xbox in but i will when i get it back and i said that in the post but i was told about it
idk its just more fun that way and you should of used the legendary maps to make it more orginal and you could of had other things to use
did you try to make picture frames or could made a fan out of extra teloporter and the not light ones. or other creative things thats what your...
this is pretty good. I like the idea i just think this would of been a good chance to use one of the legendary maps so that it would have a cool...
This is good but i think since you know what your doing that you would of made this even more orginal by adding fancy things like ceiling lights...
wow thats really suprising i wouldnt of expected to be him its usally matty
the journalist was matty wasnt it
you cant just ask a mod to lock :lock: