Oh um BTW does anybodyhave any good sandbox maps? or know where i should look on here to find them
I got Halo Wars because i loved the demo and i wanted the maps. sandbox is good b/c its got 3 amazing places to forge. i personally love the...
I play with 2-4,usually 2 or 3 though. i like low sensitivities so you can keep the riticule o peoples head most of the time. 4-5 for swat...
Im a big fan of zombie house games, this is by far the best one ever! the pool, perfectly made, the fireplce, just beast, I mean, the bedroom has...
i downloaded this a while ago, and i have a question about it. how are they swings, i could never find the swing part
wow... so detailed!!! the face and energy sward are great. amazing! *stares at it in awe*
only thing i dont like about this is how u have to have alot of ppl to play with. but when u do have the ppl, IT ROCKS!
im so glad that there are ppl who have sooo much time on their hands, this map rocks!
Re: Millennium Falcon didnt u make this like a month ago? ah o well, good job on it anyways
alright, if u say its so good i guess ill check it out, I wouldnt usually try training ground ones just because they are usually pointless to me....
i played this with a few of my friends on system link, it was great, exept one of the decided to be mr smart guy and not go on the platform, and...
is it possible to do this at the same time as auto spawning? ex. fusion coils starting to drop"x" seconds into the game, then autospawn from...
for some reson the grav lifts never point the way i want them to, any tips
Re: Millennium Falcon great job on this! im a huge star wars fan. this maps awsome. ill show it to all my friends and hopefully they'll download it