Sorry i didn't get the f*cking rule book
go with gold and blue im getting my braces soon but mine will be clear
Name: Panther Role: used to take out infantry in icy and sandy places Speed: 250 mph (max. speed 300 mph if driven too fast it can overheat and...
dude that would be awesome maybe some new vehicles and weapons and defintely gun lowering
dude that is pretty cool i like how you did the rocket launcher
oh hai
thats cool i would never think of that
"oh no you didn't"
dude ill problably get the game too and i saw a funny commercial for it (\__/) (='.'=) (")_(")
yes finnaly your posting on here youve come to forgehub yay that is awesome and the thing is friggin huge 5/5
dude that is sweet and you were right i did poop myself jk
Thats pretty cool better than anything ive ever built
i wouldnt use turrets for infection unless you give the zombies oversheilds or something otherwise its too hard for the zombies
dude this looks awesome
i made this sig for the fun of it [IMG]
dude that looks awesome
A least you get it thnx
im wondering how to move objects after you paste them on GIMP
you have to use the save and and quit method.