This ^ Black Ops was balanced but it wasnt very fun for me. MW2 had me playing for days and Im hoping that they dont **** up the multiplayer....
I wonder if they will release any pictures. I mean they already buried him in the ocean so they cant show us his body so maybe some pictures would...
Why did they bury Osama in the ocean?! Havent we learned anything from Transformers 2?!
On the pokemon global link website, what does it mean by "tuck in a pokemon"?
I think the last video Ive seen of Zero Punctuation was for Reach and I couldnt find anymore after that. Now I can watch them all :D I lol'd...
The only thing I got for completing my unova pokedex was a certificate that goes in my room -.-
I just evolved my Woobat a while ago finally. I think it took about a week of getting massages and holding a Soothe Bell and a little bit of...
Does anyone know how many massages you have to give to get it to evolve from happiness? Ive got 4 with my Woobat and he's been holding a soothe...
Transfer? You can't catch eevee or any of the evolutions in the wild.
I read it was just the eevee evolutions. Im not going to bother since I have them already.
I already transferred all my eevee evolutions :( oh well.
What is this Gamesync? Is it when people can go to the other persons White Forest/Black City?
Ohh I forgot about that haha. Thanks for the info though.
If we do the League then will we need to get our pokemon that we are using to 100?
No problem. Thanks for the Emolga!
I dont know why it does that sometimes. I just exit and go back in and it works.
I have your Cottonee now. Ill be waiting.
Yeah Cottonee is Black only. Ill breed one for ya. Also does anybody have a Swoobat or a Leavanny ? I really dont feel like doing the...
I have a Cottonee and a Alomomola but Ill have to breed them real quick. Which one do you want more?
I need an Emolga. (its the flying pikachu right?)