how could i make this work for president? can n e one show me some president maps?
my bad... wrong quoted person....
that'd be an easy solution..... but would not hide well......
i have the tunnel in there. i didn't really know how to make the hiding spots... but theres indents where the hiding spots should be! lol.
fixed the link.....if you jump on the wall, you only cross to the other side... i've made it so if people do jump up, they are still easy to get...
Complex Goldeneye remake Created by the von Supported players: 4-12 Supported Gametypes: Slayer Territories CTF VIP Assault Infection base...
wow, you got a great map here. just embed the pics and i bet you get at least a 4 star. it is beautifully put together, from what i saw.... gunna...
but my map is not named bungienator. i just want to type a description and the description always turns into blam!
when you are saving your map and you name it say, do you save a description with that name, when ever i try to do it, it does that...
Has any one made anything near the game play of ascension or anything like that. Especially with the old halo 2 variant with shotguns only....
nicely done you really hit the theme right on the money.
nicely done. nothing to fancy. i love the attack and defend games.
Re: Different Level how is this not featured?
looks great for a lan party!
i love the staircase built from barriers! original.
sweet looks like it plays well. similar to warlock, yet with some big twists- the sniper and more underground rooms. cleanly put together too!