ok ill make the zombies white is that better and read the map desscription from link to learn more descrtion about the slaves dure
ok tell me how this is racist omg.............i hate the world
omg i dont understand why every one seems 2 hate me from online school home and even x box live im going 2 cut my self some more
ok i have no clue wut u said but im trying my best and its not racist
i dont care im not going to argue its just not me so can any one help me learn how 2 post
uhh how do u report?? nub
omg i wish i can report u like on runescape
omg why does every one hate i mean really im new here ok how u get links and pics cause the links from youtube are diffrent
omg hows this racist and how is it not up 2 standerts
omg u dont under stand the zobies r always blk da and its fun 2 kill helpless ppl
hows this racist?? its an inffection game
downloadhere ok the slave factory is used for the game slave all on my file share ok ill explain it the map is on a empty room with a sniper spot...
oh yea thxs for resizing the pics
great map lots of inter locking 5/5