hey man sorry its been so long i might get a new xBox soon, my old one was stolen months ago but i might get one in a few weeks
wow good job informing him on how to get bigger pics ok buddy, first you must go to your b.net screenshot gallery (open the screenshot, basically...
hey bro its been awhile i dont have live at the moment, but im gettin some more soon see you then
hmm this looks kool as an aesthetic map, but i cant see myself playing slayer on here looks good, but i think imma save my dl for later
this makes me hate school, because otherwise i would be playing this right now once again, great job
maps like these are to evil if your a zombie. without seeing screenshots or anything, zombies probably have low health! and you could probably...
hmm like second theif, they are amazing and yes, they are christian and yes, i am christian and yes, you can ask me about christianity, but pm me...
looks good from the pics, i cant really dl or play at the moment lets see. strictly from the pics it looks bland, there is not much to the map....
hmm looks cool i would like a pic of red base, to see if you did anything with the inside of the hallway. and i wish you made the blue bases more...
the four pillars need to be evened up, they arnt perfect, but still looks like a lot of fun, i prefer this map to the others
alright stop posting for us to join. ok, i like the way it looks but more cover is necessary, and please try to use less wall as floors, you...
its not required, but it is aesthetically pleasing. this looks kool, and for me shines out of the other city zombie maps. well done
good idea but not well made, the weapoms would be great but i just dont want an unpleasing map
i really like how you have three levles, exactly like super samsh bros. that looks really cool, because you could be fighting on one leverl, and...
wow bro your lucky that sexy dude saved your post, now i am dl'ing. this is really good, but please work on getting those pics up otherwise good...
wow this is really cool, but i dont like the hill that you can be in on three levels otherwise well made for the lack of interlocking, i hope it...
hey what did you get warned for???
i think this is sweet, i dont know what it is about the third one but i just like it alot
hey nemi, he was talking bout the helm anyways this is kool, looks as if on accident but i like how they are both swimging, which is really kool,...
looks cool, but not really my type as i have 99 variants, but i dont see how infection and juggernaut are messed up, it just seems like its not...