Bungie.net : Invasion + Forge! : 9/16/2010 9:09 AM PDT this is the tutorial that helped us out with the creation, if anyone is curious or has any...
First Strike Trailer speaks for itself. Enjoy. YouTube - First Strike - Halo Reach Invasion Map Final Base [IMG] Phase 2 Base [IMG]...
Hello everyone. I need playtesters/players for a High quality trailer I am making for my new Invasion map, which is now ready for the public to...
Its more of a "temporary" testers guild. No master list or anything. Just anyone who wants to test their maps and make suggestions for an evening...
Wonderful. I think this idea will work well for everyone.
Hello, fellow forgers. I hope everyone is giddily creating their own maps with the sweet new forge 2.0 mode that bungie has crafted for us. I...
wonderful. Mayhaps afterwards you could test my invasion map? I'm trying to get people to... Wait... (lightbulb turns on above head) BRB...
Kind of hard to judge the layout from the pictures. I'm always willing to play-test maps, tho. Gamertag is the same as acount name. Be warned, I...
DAH! DIS VIL VORK! This is the best way to combat people on foot. have the teleporter dump em out in the ocean...or a killball.
Thank you for the link to bungie.net for those who dont know, but that was the very first thing I went to when I started to finalize the map...
It did not work.
I will give that a try...
Hello, community. My new invasion map is now in Alpha testing phase, and I have done some large play tests, and have decided to add a few...
Well, now! The look of this map seems very unique! This be gettin a DL right now! Bravo!
Well obviously if ATTACKERS cant get in, that means the DEFENDERS wont be able to get their flag guy back in.
I would love to see this work. But at the same time, I could see it going wrong in SO many ways. I would have to make sure that...
This is just an Idea I have been throwing around in my mind. Just a rough idea for a very unique and ultimately fun AND challenging Forge/Custom...
The best thing i could suggest is using Starting points, 1 per location (In addition to any other regular spawn points you want in each area.)....
looks to be quite sweet... I will check them out asap!