can you only do the instant switch on the newer map packs cause i cant get it to work on last resort (reason stated on my earlier post)
cool, but guilty spark is still the most annoying thing ever!
nice map 4/5 but choose a diffrent name cause the name chaos is just about the most used map name ive seen so far.
well then post more images, theres never too many. (well unless you put a few hundred :P) also i agree its kinda un finnushed. if you wanted a...
nice map but work on the interlocking. also the teleporting is a little messed up so make shure people dont enter backwards. to do this look at...
a little hectic, i would say less structures
cool :)
amazing map 5/5
great video, just because this one was so great i watched all 9 of them :P
hahaha great map, 5/5
ive tried and all it does is blow away the latest spawned one
vehicles there are a lot of vehicles on the map, the hornet might be a little powerful. it took me about 1 1/2 min. to figure out how to spell...
mind if i make a similar version of this? if you want i can note your name when i post it.
50 years? Did you mean 50 years or 500 years, in the intro part? Anyways, nice job!
instant switch i tried to make a instance switch but the run time min wouldn't go lower then 2. :sad: can someone please explain to me y wouldn't...