Obviously, creationism is the theory that a "divine creator" has created everything that you see. The sun, the stars, and especially life. The...
I downloaded this several weeks ago, and my friends and I are still playing it. As long as the zombie plays by the rules, and doesn't go down...
Anybody beat skillz maze on the bungie favorites? If so, how'd you get past the room with the grav lift in the wall and the vehicles outside?
As for fixing the problem, I am sorry to say, but I don't think there's much that we really can do. This country's economy is so controlled by the...
"No. It’s on the face of being kind of preposterous, and you know what? It’s actually really disturbing, intellectually dishonest, and somewhat...
By the way, I found those places in the bible about the moon creating light: Isaiah 30:26/// Moreover the light of the moon shall be as the...
If my statement is meaningless, then the following statement would be meaningless: I heard pastor Jim tell me Christianity is true. That's source...
Okay, well we can all agree that many Christians claim that the Bible is infallible. That should be source enough for that I think. Anyways, the...
Once again, arguing over the creation of Christianity is irrelevant since the religion itself has so many self-contradictions, and the like....
Simply saying my source fails says and proves nothing. If you cannot provide logical evidence for why, then why would I believe it? *sigh*...
You, my friend, are also incorrect. Refer to the post I made after the one you quoted. This is all irrelevant anyways since the Christian God...
Emperor Constantine should rightfully be credited as being the founder of Christianity. Prior to his reign, there was no such word, nor a single...
You're absolutely incorrect. After he adopted Christianity as the religion of the Holy Roman Empire, beliefs from Constantine's previous religion,...
It was. Constantine created Christianity as a means to make people obey secular laws. Any disobeying of God was a straight ticket to Hell. Since...
Desert Fox is absolutely correct. Picture yourself in Truman's place. The president is just died. All of a sudden YOU are president. The war is...
He didn't contradict himself. I all honesty, Christianity was created by Constantine as a way to control the masses. The ideas was to scare them...
Video games are just taking all the heat cause they're an easy target. In the 70's and 80's people said the same things about rock music for God's...
It just annoys me when Christians say the Bible is infallible. Something that contradicts itself cannot be infallible. In Genesis, it says light...
I'm actually majoring in software applications and programming, with a minor in creative writing. When I get my masters degree, I'm gonna apply to...
The way the ranking system works is like experience in the final fantasy games. The higher level the opponent (relative to your own level) you...