what do you mean not up to date?
Bungie.net : Community : Forum Topic Listing : Forum Reply Listing ^^^LINK TO DOWNLOAD^^^ I made an unlimited $$$ map but instead of putting the...
I know this isnt original and i didnt get the idea from duck hunt...never played duck hunt....i have played prision break tho...and its not...
I fixed the game variant....i messed it up but now its fixed
sorry for double post but join my game we will play you wont be dissapointed if any1 else wants to play send me and FR my GT is Caboose STL
i fixed edit: Trust me....with the bubble shields, flairs, and deployable covers....it gets hectic
Created By: Caboose STL Map Variant: Alcatraz Game Variant: Kill the Guard (YOU MUST DOWNLOAD THIS OR IT WILL NOT WORK) Ok before I show you guys...
i clearly gave him creadit you would read the top of the original post I bet if you guys played his map for 5 min. and then my version for 5 min....
ok 1) i made the map better and more enjoyable 2) I gave you creadit. I put your name, the original map, and what i changed 3) I did not steal it...
I made the B sign rail shorter because with 4 signs you would run into the stairs. I moved the A sign rail back because u didnt have enough room....
ill try to make it as clear as possible in the original post
Read the original post!
I edited the original post and put what i changed :)
He did so much of that map poorly. So i re-did ALMOST EVERYTHING (Except the quarter pipe...the QP was perfect). I completely deleted and re-did...
he posted the original when i first played it i was like wow this is really kool but i could make this map better so i did and i posted mine its...
I redid it there are some noticible things i did in the pics but some things you cant really see i just moved them a few inches. I made every...
the original creator is xxxscarfac3dxxx and i put his name at the top :)
Original Map Originally Created By: XxXScarFac3dXxX Remade By: Caboose STL DOWNLOAD MAP HERE!!! This map includes mongooses, ghosts, and a...