For a first map this map looks great! As for making it better it's hard to tell but I'd recommend putting some more cover around stage 2. Umm...
Creepy Caverns This is a small 1V1 Slayer map,While making this map I was going for a scary/creepy feel and I think I did just that. Any feed...
Glaring Polls [IMG] Grid [IMG] Red Hell [IMG] Neon Blue [IMG] Contrast [IMG]
The "GUARDIAN [IMG] This map has a giant robot attacking a ship , the ship is fully decked out with weapons and has a hornet , the robot has 3...
Thanks for doing the spawns because with out them the map would be very annoy Thanks
Because my old GT was PO PO RONNIE
Crypt Po Po Ronnie [IMG] DESCRIPTION Crypt is a small arena made for Slayer, Team Slayer, KOTH, and Oddball. Plays best with 2v2 Team Slayer...
LOL that messed up
Looks very cool I like how the gun is right in my face 5/5
Pros The idea is new Good interlocking Cons Way to much power weapons Needs more geo-merging Can get out of the map Overall:nice map but the...
Pros Have not seen a map like it to date Good interlocking Cons Can't tell what the gameplay would be like so add action shots More geo-merging...
Pros I like the gametype for the map lockable door is cool Cons Needs more interlocking Too open Is just like every other infection map out...
Pros looks for the most part neat Cons Very very small Take off the BRs(for small maps BRs are over powering Overall:Seem like it would be...
Pros GREAT idea Interlocking is very smooth Cons LOL There are no cons Overall: Great map, Great everthing, I can't tell you anything to...
Pros Have nice interlocking Cons Needs work on the geomerging Looks a bit sloppy Seems with a well placed nade jump some one could get out of...
Pros Love the idea The gameplay would be great. Cons Can't think of any Overall:gamplay looks great and the interlocking is pimping, 5.0/5.0
Pros Looks neat Interlocking is great Idea is very good Cons WAY to open Overall:Gameplay looks sweet but its too open,4.0/5.0 and I know you...
PROS Interlocking/Geomerging looks nice Great idea By the looks of it the gameplay seems to be very fun Cons Could have made a little bit more...
Pros Looks fun for a 1v1 or 2v2 Nicely made Cons Way to small for my tastes If some one wanted to they could run to the other side of High...
Pros Presentation of the map very good. I have not seen and infection map like it to date. Looks like one it would have amazing game play....