I have very little experience with finding people on skype not gonna lie there...With my name though odds are they're all me from various accounts...
I feel late to the party. Hopefully some people from the old graphics section remember me anyway. Used to talk with Miraj and Erico and Mace some...
Very cool looking, only bad thing that caught my eye was the tree directly left of your guy. Not sure exactly what it is about that tree but it...
Hey Erico, long time no post (from me anyway). I like the colorization, usually it turns out wrong but you seem to have gotten it right....
Thanks for the birthday wish
Please do post and ask if you want me to fix mine, I can, but I'm not going to without knowing it will be used.
it has a transparent background on it, so you should save it to your comp if your going to use it. [IMG]
use whatever tools you feel necessary to select the area, then use the color menu options to change it. You can also use the layer mode of color...
I have no idea who that person is... Miraj you and I both know I cannot for the life of me do text, but I do like to try and fail. Nice to hear...
not gonna lie, I didn't make those. They came from a c4d or fractal I used. Also as to not crowd the forums, I'll toss this here. [IMG]...
my first question is, did you smudge the entire background and make that thing you have there? I really like the focal and what you have with the...
the cat is from a wallpaper from the game stardust I think...try bestgamewallpapers.com they have it there [IMG] the last one is from this and...
I realized it was a joke. I was just being snippy. The second comment was about my post and the other people's posts not yours.
Just making sure. The way you said that made me think that you thought it was actually abstract :/
wait...you know its a cat right?
lol, that was literally my least fav one. You can have it if you want it, but really I finished it and was like "blegh why did I think this would...
Obviously there are since I am one :/ also, don't know you. Yeah, I never did say they were good I just said I made them. They were a ton of...
I've been messing around with gimp again for the first time in what seems like forever. I figured I'd show you all what I've been up to. [IMG]...
thank you for the happy birthday