Valve + Zombies + Co-op = WIN
Only Raining Blood for me.
GH: Metallica
Cymbals are just alternatives to the the drums. You can hit either the blue drum or the blue cymbal, but it still registers as blue. Plus, you can...
Dragonforce sucks anyways, the only reason anyone likes them is because of Guitar Hero.
You start with a brute shot, and you can't pick up weapons.
I'm kinda more excited for Rock Band 2. ONLINE WORLD TOUR YAY. Plus, if you owned the first game, EVERY song from RB1 and all of the DLC you got...
I worked hard for my gold stars and none of my friends appreciate it, because they're either really good, or just inconsiderite assholes. Or both.
Glad you liked it.
I got confused where to put the map, because it works like a puzzle map, but it's really a trick-jumping map.
No thanks. I hate GGaHT anyways. I haven't played it since. HOW MANY SONGS HAVE YOU GUYS GOLD-STARRED? 42/58 :D
I played a kid named "Josh BxR" in CoD4.
Sentry Sappin Mah Spy Need A Dispenser Here Need A Dispenser Here Need A Dispenser Here Need A Dispenser Here Need A Dispenser Here Need A...
I'll get both. I have played every GH, and Rock Band.
I actually 5-starred the damn song. It took a few tries, but I got it with a score of around 284k. Now all I have to 5-star is Thrasher and...
I borrowed my name from my RuneScape account. I have used 2084 since I was 10.
Gah the stupid registration is taking forever to load
GH: Aerosmith was alright, anyways. I beat it in 3 hours, but it was fun.
Hola! Como estas?
Invisibility. Then I can become the Spy from Team Fortress 2! SPY SAPPIN MAH SENTRY