No one is going to want to help someone who's immature. Try using full sentences, keep your ideas flowing, etc. etc. Also looking at the...
Switches and original stuff like you spoke about should be left in casual, mini-games, and aesthetic categories. Thats what the casual category is...
It will just have to be an honor rule to not jack the banshees. Unfortuneatly to Bungie's awesome thinking (/sarcasm) you can still hijack...
You're probably guessing that the default gametype is "Slayer", in fact it is under "All Gametypes". While in monitor mode press start. Go to...
Seen it already, still loled again. Glad to be Canadian :) Don't search stupid Canadians now...
WoW =/= Halo. With that being said this could be interesting. High health/low damage and swords could be interesting, spartan lasers could...
Thanks a lot. If anyone has any other comments or suggestions please, don't feel shy to post.
Last time Forgehub witnessed this map it was less then half done. That was 3 months ago to this day and now the map is fully functional. Map...
I don't know if this is just from uncompleteness but it seems you can view 90% of the map from anywheres, this makes games, bad, impossible to...
Forging isn't about getting noticed. Its about gaining skills that are usable in the future, having fun, making friends. If you go out forging to...
Kinda hard to read the dark text on the dark background. Many false's here, I'll point them out: -Carbine does not shoot every time you pull the...
So what you're saying is the tin cups make the next box float? Interesting and can have more uses then interlocking. You mean "he" right ;)
Lag? You gave us no info here dude, don't bother posting something that obviously isn't ready to be posted, its spam.
You can merge immovable objects independent of what map you're on. So the pre-dlc maps have 2 immovable objects, teleporters and weapon holders....
The easiest way to do it is by using guides. Lets hope you have a good imagination so you can picture what I'm saying. So you have your lower box...
Its known, a pro in MLG tried to do it one time because he was low shields, he ended up failing it and coming back over the lift, getting a...
I got the flickering textures on them before, however I don't think purple is possible.
@Squid: That Quake guide is awesome. I suggest everyone read it, you will learn things from reading it that you never even thought about before,...
Yeah you're sender node (its on top right?) should be higher up, if you have it flipped upside down try flipping it right side up. There's an area...
Kind of out there but the weird physics of Custom/Camo/Overshields may work, try that out.