That is really cool, and your map is very clean and creative of course you'll get good reviews! =]
Where do those holes send you?
I think the coolest thing is those giant ship things floating above the map.
Time to trade in my BR and Frags for some school books and pencils again. Great...
The Second Skin has MC on the side and the first thing I thought was him saying "Ohh Hai !"
Is London Hosting next Years Sandwich olympics?
This thread just won, everything.
A horde mode like Gears 2. Wave after wave of Covie foes would be fun to mop up. They could even call it marathon a reference to their first game.
Ones real and one is concept. I will take the one you can really drive in campaign.
Because It would have been so much fun having a eating minigame part of the game, Yo master Chef make me a samwitch plz.
ForgeHub username: Ocean Man Forge update hypothesis: Just going to be a big open flat map, regular budget and items. There is going to be a flat...
I think bungie should have a little something for themselves, Alot of mods or makers of games do something like recon, like Wow developers can...
I can't load Foundry Offline, weird stuff.
Rinse and repeat.
[IMG] Look closely I see a nose just above the Elites mouth, I could be wrong though.
Me and My friends loved Halo 2 Infection, on Foundation we always went to the room with those movable boxes and made a makeshift barricade, those...
Equipment : Decoy Looks like: A holo-pad that you throw on the floor. What it Does: Creates a hologram Spartan that runs forward then resets...
Ever since I hear about this I have been uber hyped. Me and my friends cant wait to get our zombie on, As far as I am concerned this is the only...
What happens on the Internet, Stays on the Internet, And everywhere Else for that matter. lol 4 eared cat...
Now that is really really smart!