Wow this is an mazing map, i dl a couple days ago and it has a very unique layout,defintately pwns on one-flag and has very gewd aesthetics, this...
No realy cool structures or anything that stands out ,u can get on top of the maze and own there,pther than that its pretty clean not many...
Wow, this is feature worthy,great design,extremely smooth,great interlockz,5/5.THis sortof reminds me of radius, the center structure with the...
Wow havent seen a map here in like forever,doesnt look that interesting,not like you can make something interesting here.Doesnt look anything dl...
You told me 2 come look at this and so i did ace,wow nic e map, gewd interlocks,pretty clean, overall this map is pretty pwny,good job and keep...
Very nice first map,you posted everything right,which most first posters dont,and the map is good.Good layout and unique structures,Could use some...
Wow,nice map realy sweet designs,this deswerves more than three stars so i gave it 4.Its good how u put the vehicles away from the base instead of...
Looks descent,nothing realy sticks out to me,the other orbital by cydronix is way better,i dont see how this got five stars.
Pretty good but looks kindof boring,nothing to interesting that makes me wanna dl this,put more cover in the open spaces.
Awesome map definate dl for me,clean interlocking and merging,another gewd map from you.
I love this map the elevator is just like a real one,definately a pallet parade beater.
Lawl kon artist but gameplay here looks superb and definately beats Amp i dled.
Everything looks fine to me,descent interlocking,could use some cleaning up and nothing realy special to me.
Very nice map with the interlocks,definatly the best fat kid map ive ever seen,looks like a lot of fun good job.
Wow,whats that smell,smells like a feature,this map reminds me of interrobang,looks realy fun im dling.
I smell a feature,maybe,that first guy is stupid,hes says no effort lawlz u almost interlocked everything.I'll dl but one flag looks a litttle...
The first one I saw and it looked bland and this is smoother but still boring,I dont like the sheild doors.
This map is the pwniest map ive ever seen,must have taken you forever to make this,I love playing juggernaut here,awesome geomerges.
Could use some interlocks and merging,its messy but it looks like it could be some fun.
NIce map and gewd interlocking,some pretty cool structures but,but you probably need to add some stuff beside the middle structure so it won't be...