this map looks insanely awesome! its got my dl
this is one the best maps ive ever played
dude you should really interlock
dude pics aren working
dude this is alright
theres no working pics
dude this map is i say for all good maps..cuz they are lol
dude this is amazing
dude this map is pawesome pawesome = pro+awseome =pawesome
lol this looks so much fun! its got my dl for sure
this is an awesome map i agree
this map is relly good not one critisize but this map is very sloppy and no offense its terrible, no dl
wow! this map is spectacular! its amazin!! dude how do get ur maps so perfect?
this is a really kool map, i really like it
saint...u probaly dont have recon...ok this map looks really kool! it's just thers no interlocking or geomerging, that i could see.
This map is really good. i have made two maps and i am new here so i dont know how to
It looks pretty good...although ive seen a lot of maps with that name.