the map looks great, i'll dl, and get back to you man
it looks like its kinda possible to grenade jump out, on the double boxes no?
These Maps Look Amazingly Fun, Great Interlocking too. i love this type of infection, so ima dl them all :)
maybe ;) lol
hmm its not staged lol. Just was looking thru a film and saw this :) : Community : Forum Topic Listing : Forum Reply Listing [IMG]
imo, this oughtaa be fun. Im in, count me starting tomorrow :)
The First One is: A Simple Crouch Jump. Second One is: Where u need to jump @ precise spot so u can grab the teleporter. The Third One, is u have...
Im Forging A Map, Called: How To Do 10 Tricks, and i've gotten 5 or 6 ideas, but i dont know what to do with the rest. Ie: Grenade Jumps, etc....
TYVM It Works :))
i know that, but it stopped workinig, so i'll remake the S/S's
Ok, Lol For Peoples, Convenience Pictures have been fixed and Are Now A Good Size. And yes its a clean version of it.
i tried to make pictures bigger, but how do i? i just pasted the urls from it
the whole reason i made it was, that friends were complaining about the vent being a bit sloppy, so i completly remade all of it to make it to...
lmao, if u read, its a clean cut verison of the vent. I redid everything to make it fit together so it doesnt look sloppy. and its a completly...
We Are On The Wind Tunnel Map IS: The Wind Tunnel Original Idea Is The Vent, this is clean cut i made of it. : Community : Forum Topic...
:P Looks cool, que'd for downloading on bungie
this looks sweat, but it looks like i can just stand on my friends head,and jump out :(
looks crazy, lol is it supposed to be like ninja warrior or something?
lol... i've seen so many crappy versions of this map ~_~ hopefully yours is better (screenshots dont look good)